5 information-packed & interactive sessions
MP3 download card
Parent handout spiral notebook
Professionally written hypnosis scripts for your home practice
A set of birth prompts for your birth companion
Demonstration and practice of optimal birth positions
A guide to great pregnancy nutrition
Several deep relaxation techniques for use in daily life and during birthing
Special breathing techniques for use throughout labor and during birthing
A guide to successful breastfeeding and postpartum recovery
Support and guidance during your pregnancy, during labor and during your postpartum period.
Setting the stage
Introduction to the remarkable HypnoBirthing philosophy
The History of Birthing
Why and how you can have an easier, more comfortable, and safer birthing
How Nature perfectly designed women’s bodies to birth
How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts
Why Birth Hypnosis?
Laws of the Mind that effect change
The vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing
Visualizing gentle births by viewing beautiful birthing videos
Prenatal Bonding + Preparing Your Mind and Body
Fetology: the remarkable mind of your newborn baby
Prenatal bonding techniques
Navigating birthing options
Selecting the right care provider
Building your birth team
Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques
Breathing techniques for labor and birthing
Hypnotic relaxation and visualization
Preparing your body for birthing with nutrition and massage
Self-hypnosis visualization and advanced deepening
Pregnancy Comforts: Daily Exercises, Movement & Spinning Babies
Supporting Baby in Optimal Fetal Positioning
Preparing Birth Preference Sheets
Labor & Birthing Visualizations
Deepening Hypnosis Techniques
Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts
"This course was transformative for me. It gave me the knowledge and tools I needed to be empowered, excited, and confident in my pregnancy and birthing journey.
I realized a lot of my fear came from lack of knowledge about the labor and birthing process. The course taught me that by mentally preparing I can more easily work with my body to bring my baby into the world in a calm and joyful way."
Overview and summary of childbirth
Birth's perfect design
Birth explained simply
Onset of Labor – Thinning and Opening Phase
Hallmarks of labor
If labor pauses or rests – tools for labor progression
The Role of the Birth Companion
Preparing your sacred birthing space
Protecting the natural birthing experience
Discussion of hospital policies: continuous fetal monitoring, cervical exams, induction
Misconceptions about labor
Making informed decisions (BRAINS)
Birth rehearsal imagery
Birthing – The final act and bonding
Answering the call to surrender
Moving into the birth phase
Positions for descent and birthing
Breathing baby down to birth
The Birth Matrix – nature's perfect design
Discussions on optimal cord clamping, fundal massage, active management of the placenta
First latch and placenta birth
The Birth Afterglow & Family bonding
The Fourth Trimester: Breastfeeding and Postpartum
Birth as Medicine – Honoring the Postpartum Portal